Wednesday, April 1, 2009



My name is Dana and I’m fat.


Hello Dana.

Egoloon the first step to solving a problem is admitting that it exists in the first place. So I think I just took the first step ;Pp

That’s good right? L2ana also egoloon the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step ;Pp

One small step for giant leap for fatkind ;Pp

Elmohem, allah ysalemkom, this blog will start off discussing several diet plans that I got recently (got mo looked for…shraykom ;Pp) oo b3dain we’ll try to stick to one and follow through with it.

In a couple of days inshallah we’ll write about our goals and expectations…oo b3dain from there on I’ll post the diet plans oo we decide which one to pick.

After that, I’m hoping I’ll be updating this blog on a daily basis 3shan we discuss shino sawwaina ma sawwaina.

Oo I say WE for a reason…that being that I WILL NOT DO THIS ALONE!! =@

Elmohem, as always, if you would like to receive email notifications for this blog, leave your emails here oo I’ll make sure you’re on the mailing list =)

And hopefully, our support for each other would make our mission Slim-Possible and not Sl-Impossible ;Pp


Anony said...


zuz said...

hello my name is zuz and i'm fat:(

ѕĥεg6α εïз said...

i am in !!

i started my diet 3 months ago, bt i really need some company :(

Anonymous said...

Hii Danaa " N waves to D"

zain tsawen walla... 7abait l'blog khosh idea ;p

Anonymous said...

Count me in dana ;)
3ndej emailey now , eh?

doona said...




hello zuz ;Pp


got it! ;)


even sweeter,
entay wainich! zmaaaaan 3annich =(
im glad you like it! =D


yup yup =)
will keep you updated inshallah =)


got it =)



Razz said...

hello my name is borzaiga and im overweight... i was able to lose 70 kilos of weight, but for the last 4 months i've been struggling to keep a steady weight and to lose 7 more kilos.

my problem is control. i try to control my self bas all the cashew nuts and walnuts and the mokassarat around the house, along with the tamriyya and 7alaw lying around the house makes me feel vulnerable. im so glad that this blog is created, if you have waited one more day i would have opened it my self, byt what do they say? great minds think alike :P

please add me to the mailing list, and ill help you with posts too if sometimes you're in need of expressing but are not able to

Standy said...

*waves at Dana*
*appludes dana for taking the first step*

DAANNNAA count me in.. will send you by email what diets i have..

eshda3wa said...

hello my name is eshda3wa and id love to fit in my jeans

CuteShiya said...

ana b3d count me in plz

Anonymous said...

Hello My Name is Daddy's Girl

and i am FAT!

and i have been going on the best diet on earth for 3 weeks so far... after five years with struggling with all different diets on earth... i finally found the ONE

and i have hundreds of diet tips. I even have an excel file with the calorie count and breakdown of all foods possible plus recipes that i can share with you guys :D

Tip number one... if u want to lose weight, the younger u r, the faster u lose weight. Come 30 years old and your metabolism will halt!!!! So hurry!

doona said...


hello borzaiga =)

wallah you have a point...enta nuts...i just CRAVVEEEEE JUNK FOOD!! basically people have to restrain me when i smell anything being fried...yummy..



got em =)
thanks babe! =)

i think i saw choco diet somewhere too! =D




hello eshda3wa =)


and in you are counted ;**



hello daddy's girl =)

coolness! i like your diet a7es mo starvation hehe =)

and i think i saw a huuuuuge kinder bar somewhere ;Pp

doona said...

la galby mo lazem ur email...thats if you want email notifications when the blog is updated =)

anywayz i got it fa i added you to the mailing list =)

doona said...

awwwww =(
7beeby we'll find a way around it la t7ateen =)
we all have some of that hehe =$
youre on the mailing list now =)

Daddy's Girl said...


wain ile besawee regime yalla!??!

Infa3alt ana abi awadem wyay ;)

doona said...

danderma ba3ad galby wallah ;**

ana 3endy alf diet plan endazooly lol fa im typping them all up hehe oo apparently thats taking a while lol

ketabt around half oo buga half...oo once im done ill post em inshalla....i think thatll be sunday =)

bs tra the diet starts eli week eli 3gb hatha cz i have exams lol ;Pp

PaLoMiNo said...

hehehehehe ana weyaakommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

naby neth3aaaaaaaaaaaaf !!!

nabeee n9eeeeeeeer skinny!!!

bas baroo7 akil kakwaaa s'3eera tiny el7een ok??

o abe email notifications plzz :***

ako rejeem or dowa rejeem ten97eena feeh? ;p

Anonymous said...

I'm in :D